What Are the Red Flags on a House Survey?

Many of our clients are overwhelmed by the number of things that they should be looking out for when buying or viewing a property. Because of this, it’s very easy to miss an important issue that you haven’t even thought about. That’s why we wrote this guide to the biggest red flags on a house survey and why they’re important. So, what are the red flags on a house survey?

The main red flags that come up on a house survey include:

  • Damp
  • Structural issues
  • Asbestos
  • Invasive plants
  • Damaged drains & gutters
  • Infestations
  • Roof issues
  • Poor insulation 

Hiring an experienced RICS Surveyor will ensure that none of these issues are missed, and could save you thousands of pounds on unexpected repairs and maintenance.

Read on to find out more about the red flags on a house survey, why they’re important, and who pays to fix them.

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What Fails a House Survey?

Technically, you can’t actually fail a house survey. However, it can be marked poorly for many reasons and the survey can state that it is in bad condition. These are the most common red flags that we record on our house surveys.


If you’ve viewed a lot of properties, chances are that you’ve seen at least one with visible damp issues. We’ve seen everything from poor ventilation causing mould around the windows to water damage through the entire kitchen wall due to a leak upstairs.

Because this covers such a range of issues, the amount that damp can cost to fix varies. These can sometimes be fixed through simple DIY remedies, but in the worst cases, it can cost several thousands of pounds.

To find out about the causes of damp and what to do about it, read our damp issues page.

Structural Issues

Structural issues are much more common than you would think and can be one of the most costly issues to fix. They’re often difficult to notice, which is why you need an experienced RICS Surveyor to complete the survey. 

In general, they can be found by spotting cracks and damage to the structure of the building. Some cracks are completely normal, so the hard part is being able to tell if it’s an issue or not!


Due to its water resistance, heat resistance, chemical resistance, and strength, asbestos was a common building material until it was banned from the UK in 1985 (or 1999 for white asbestos).

Asbestos was banned because when damaged, asbestos releases hazardous fibres that are suspended in the air. If breathed in, they can induce cancer and other conditions such as asbestosis.

Because it’s so dangerous and can be used throughout a house, it can be very costly to remove. You’ll need an asbestos specialist to come and remove it for you, and the removal should never be completed by anyone else.

For more information on asbestos issues, read our asbestos page.

Invasive Plants

Invasive plants like Japanese Knotweed can cause damage to buildings and gardens. Since 2013, it’s been a requirement for house sellers to state whether Japanese Knotweed is present on the property, however, it’s important to check yourselves in case they didn’t notice or hid this information.

For more information on Japanese Knotweed and how it can affect a house, visit our Japanese Knotweed page.

Damaged Drains & Gutters

Damaged or faulty drains and gutters can lead to further damage in other areas of the property. Evidence of ponding, water damage, or a backlog of water can be a sign of drainage issues.

This is generally a cheaper issue to resolve, but if it has already led to further damage you could be looking at a large cost.

Visit our roof & guttering issues page for more information about common faults that may arise.


Infestations can cause a lot of anguish in a property and often cost a fair amount to get rid of. Moths and other insects can eat through insulation, which might need to be replaced for the moths to be removed.

The most costly infestation is that of wood-boring insects. If the property is built using timber, wood-boring insects can cause a lot of structural issues. The average cost for removing an infestation can range from £500 – £1,000 for the treatment and repairs.

Roof Issues

Cracked tiles, blocked guttering, and unstable roof structures can all be signs of roofing issues. These can be hard to spot, but a surveyor will look from opposite the house or any nearby, accessible high ground to spot problems.

Costs to fix can be anywhere from £100 for a few tiles to £7,000 for a full roof retile. 


Insulation issues can not only be costly to fix, but they’ll cost you more money until you fix them too due to higher heating bills. Potential problems can include damaged insulation, missing insulation, or insulation that isn’t placed correctly.

What Happens After a Bad House Survey Report?

If you’re looking to buy the property and receive a bad survey report, you have the important choice of whether or not to continue your offer. If you choose to continue, you can also reduce your offer to cover the costs of the potential repairs listed in the report.

We’d recommend getting quotes from relevant professionals so that you can show them as evidence for the reduced offer.

Alternatively, the seller can also choose to pay to fix the issues themselves before they sell the property. In this case, you wouldn’t be able to reduce your offer since the issues are fixed, although we’d recommend getting a professional to check over the repairs before moving forward.

RICS House Surveys With Crest Surveyors

At Crest Surveyors, our highly qualified RICS Accredited Surveyors don’t use any industry jargon and complex explanations to ensure that you understand all of the issues in the property. We break everything down with the next steps to take.

For information on our house survey options, visit our HomeBuyer Survey page. You can also use our house survey cost calculator to find out the exact price for your property! For any questions about our services or to book an appointment, get in touch with a member of our team.

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